TENET is ahead of its Time

The only things that can be told about the folks in this century is multi-tasking, involved in too many things at various stages. People jumping careers at all ages, innovative technologies outdating older skills. Giant Conglomerate of yesterday being challenged with the unknown fresh players, talk about Satoshi vs Buffet.

Not everything that you see in the world have an explanation and not everything requires explanation. Knowledges works are various level of depths.

TENET is such a movie that you can watch over and over.

Its story doesn’t fade away even after watching with couple of minds at different times. There are five works. 25 individual letters in the TENET sator square

There is significance to each of the 25 letters. The counting of the letter is as follows

A: 4 Times
E: 4 Times
T: 4 Times
O: 4 Times
R: 4 Times
S: 2 Times
P: 2 Times
N: 1 Time

There are two sides to each character,
Sator: He is evil, because he is going to take the entire world with him when he dies. He is good because by destroying past, the future can be preserved, as it’s the only chance.

Protagonist: Virtuous because he is trying to save the world, evil because he is allowing the eventual destruction.