This post will not be ranked

This is my blog, I have decided that I do not want to enhance it in any way shape or form to make it Search Engine Friendly. I am not going to repeat the same words to increase the visibility, nor I am going to use headlines tags or anything that would fulfill the requirements for this page to be displayed.

I am neither going to correct any sentences or spelling mistakes that I encounter. In fact what matters to me most is that the message reflects my understanding, biases and limitations. That this message and post is as unique as I am which includes all the defects and talents.

I find little appeal in sculpturing message or conditioning my writing to satisfy an algorithm that promises to rank my post better than everyone else so that it may be viewed by millions more rather than a handful of close family and friends.

I have also long decided that I am not going to indulge into making my writing a source of income. This is because I want to free myself of the monetary gains and focus on the creativity to write the thoughts that come to mind, as they come to my mind, in the words that those thoughts get translated.

This is neither a criticism of algorithms., rather imagine if everyone speak in the same accent, tone and uses same vocabulary. It will not be long enough to start to categorize them together, thereby they will loose the individual creativity and imprint that is unique to each and every human being.

In a nutshell, what binds us together is the glue of diversification that exisits within each and everyone of us.