Baby on Board – 10 Unique way to Remind yourself

Every summer Children deaths occur while being left unattended in the vehicles, This may happen due to fatigue, stress, distraction or routine change by the caregivers.(Pediatrics & Child Health).

I came up with 10 unique way to remind yourself  if you are caring for young childrens.

  1. Notify your significant other, relatives or friends that you are taking the baby out with you and to remind you in a while
  2. Leave your wallet, or cell phone beside the baby so you will remember to retrieve them
  3. Set the reminder on your phone to remind yourself of the little person in the car
  4. Print a small print out with “Baby on Board” and “Baby at Home” that you can flip
  5. Put one of the Baby’s belonging in the front seat, like a diaper bag, a shoe, or a toy.
  6. Make a habit to do items checklist whenever you leave your car for e.g
    • Wallet Check
    • Keys Check
    • Cell Phone Check
    • Baby Check
    • Car Locked Check
    • Car Trunk Check
  7. If you are travelling to meet friends or family, let them know you are bring the baby with you
  8. Make a small badge and wear it, it could say “I am with the Baby”
  9. Create a token, add it to the keychain, remove it when at home, add it when with the baby
  10. Create a checklist and mark them as you perform the actions
    • Check Baby in the Back seat
    • Do Grocery
    • Fill the Gas at Gas Station
    • Check Baby Again

The routine puts human mind into auto mode where the brain tends to forget any minor changes. The whole premises of the above is to bring the brain out of autopilot when you leave the car, this could be any small annoyance or change in the environment that would make the brain think and link it to the baby.

Paediatrics & Child Health, Volume 25, Issue 3, April 2020, Pages 143–148,