Better Mode of Communication

This value is inherited within the mode of communication and does not have to do anything with the person behind the medium. The written words requires more attention than voice and the voice have more impact than the video.

The Simple Test

Pay attention to the following image and determine which person is taller.

Answer: I could tell you the answer, but it’s better if you measure it yourself, simply place a piece of paper along the height and measure it.

Another one, look at an image below, and determine which shape is longer.

To find the answer, please cut a piece of paper place it over one and then put it on top of the other.


All three person in first image are equal and the two shapes in the second image is equal. Your mind is not deceiving you rather that you cannot escape the unconscious bias that even after measuring it something within tells you otherwise that those things are not equal.

Speaker in a Dark Room.

Imagine a person sitting in a dark room with the only thing visible being the face. The person is streaming the video

From the perspective of the presenter, the focus is on the message that needs to be delivered. However, for the listener his subconscious mind starts to not only pay attention to the message but is distracted by the facial expressions,  they may make a judgment about the quality of the video, the looks, preparedness, eye movements, dress, glasses, and may occasional try to determine the background. This is just when only the face is visible.

Now all the above do not add anything to the message conveyed, rather it adds noise to the message.

In Conclusion

Now compare the above with the audio that you have listened attentively in the car or elsewhere. The amount of information captured is far more than that of the visual medium simply because there is no noise, there is no distraction and the sole focus is on what is said.

Base don this I am concluding audio or a podcast is a more effective medium to communicate than video when it comes to delivering a non-technical lecture.

I therefore encourage the speakers to utilize the Audio mediums to convey their message, one simple trick would be simply to start a video lecture and then turn off the video so that the attention is paid to the message and not to the presenter.