LinkedIn – Circle vs Potrait

I had let it go consciously a long time ago but somehow It’s annoys my subconscious, LinkedIn is a professional network, I will illustrate my subtle annoyance with few exhibits.

Point 1: I have yet to come across a country who requires a non potrait image for passport.

Point 2: The Portrait looks better.

Point 3: It is that great artists swear by the corners to create an impact. It seems that a photo without corner doesn’t not communicate professionalism or perhaps we may have been conditioned to see the things that way.

It seems like when an image is circular, the focused is squarely on the center of the image i.e. the nose, whereas in the Portrait there is no single point of focus. Perhaps some neuroscientist could shed some light on if there is such a phenomenon.

I have a strong feeling that the profile images on the LinkedIn should not be in circle, but in a portrait. Hopefully the LinkedIn UX/UI designer team was not trying to make a point that they are a flat earth believer, therefore decided to use circle. That would be ridiculous but then you never know what is Official LinkedIn stand on the shape of Earth. 🙂

I hope Bill Gates and the history will forgive me for ruining three portraits to make a single point.