Seven Billions Astronauts are not Enough.

A shock nerve went through my head upon hearing news of rocket launch failure,even though I have never imagined working for NASA, SpaceX. The reason I felt it because because I always see space missions as a way to expand human knowledge of the universe.

In the time of failure we should realize that it’s a setback for humanity. The space exploration is for benefit of entire humanity. We should stand behind anyone who have courage to take risks and invest energy for greater benefitĀ of the beings living on earth.

As anyone without direct link to SpaceX or NASA one might think that they do not personally have any stake, Yet the future profoundly depends on the space research that is going on today. It’s not a time to point out at the failures. Rather It should be left to the investigators. There was never a great success without a huge failure. We should grow out of the mentality of profit/loss and nationalism if we are to explore space together.

All Space missions are for the benefit of all humans and rises above the cultural,national and religious boundaries.As such every living person need to contribute to the advancement of the human civilizations by investing however they can for space exploration.

The universe is immensely vast and we will one day soon realize that evenĀ seven billion astronauts are not enough.