Time an Illusion of Necessity

“Men have become the tools of their tools.” – Henry David Thoreau

The things people think of when they are actively looking for work is amazing, . This is one such idea until the time I get busy once again. I am not sure if I should tag this as a science or a fiction, regardless these are my thoughts on Time Travel and Time.

Time Travel
The fascination with time travel is ever growing, The mere idea to have the ability to undo and a chance to redo things differently gives brain spikes to few if not many.

Time as a Tool
Yet the fundamental thing we forget is that Time/Clock is a tool. A tool created by humans themselves to measure and to tagged everything with a time stamp. we then in turn use this tag to.

1. Estimate the Date of Birth
2. Give Estimates,Schedule,Organize, All life events are tagged with time stamps.
3. Calculate and Synchronize Transportation Schedules
4. Pay enumeration
5. Calculate Length of Days,Months,Years, Decades and Millennium
6. Communicate and Schedule with each other.
7. Attach Place and Time to Events for Identification.
and so on.

Direction of Time
The time in turn gives sense of direction. The direction of moving forward. This is an illusion that is inherent in the fact that we have designed time to give incremental values, without which it would have been impossible to identify, schedule and communicate.

Agreed Standard
The true fascination is not with the time travel, as time can be manipulated as one wishes. The GMT, Daylight and Timezone are simply what everyone is agreeing upon,  The time doesn’t exist in the sense that the gold exists.

Time Travel
When someone talks about time travel they are usually talking about physical or materialistic changes that can be hastened for travelling into future and undone for travelling into the present which is the past returning from future. This has nothing to do with the time. Physical Elements in the universe

progress from beginning to an end changing many forms and in order to them to change form from the end to the beginning it would need them to be in it’s DNA.

Therefore time travel or travelling to the future or past as depicted in the movies by somehow punching date and time into the machine is simply outright outrageous.

Instance of Universe
Every instance of the the universe is not a new instance, it’s transformed from previous instance to present and into future instance, had every instance been a new instance, The possibility to go back to that instance could have been thought of, but as we are overwriting every instance, reverse isn’t possible, although going fast forwarding might be an option.